
On this page you'll find links to recordings of various games, organized by author.

For details of what types of recordings we host, check out our faq page.

Note that most links will be directly to audio files. Therefore, depending on your browser settings, you may need to make use of a save target or similar option if you wish to download them to your computer.

In general, recordings will be in mp3, wma or ogg format.

If you are unable to play a recording, please get in touch and let us know.

All of the recordings linked to from this section of the site remain the property of their original authors.

Furthermore, we ask that you direct any comments to the actual creator.

Where possible, we will endeavor to include links to the original author's website and contact information.

This section of the site contains recordings originally hosted on, now

These recordings all contain commentary, and are either in a walkthrough or playthrough style.

There are also a couple of game reviews, which focus more on explaining the game than playing it to completion.

Recordings by Brendan Smith

These recordings are mostly in walkthrough or review style. They cover several different developers, and often include input from multiple people during gameplay.

Recordings by Day Garwood

This is a massive compendium of game recordings of several different types.

All of these are in mp3 format, totaling over 7gb.

Recordings by Dark

This page contains several highly amusing game reviews created by database manager Dark.

Recordings by Evangelosz Nagy

This page contains recordings hosted on the author's youtube channel.

These are in ogg or mp3 format.

Recordings by Florian Ionascu

This page contains Florian's English-language recordings, along with links to his website, where others are available.

Recordings by Jake McMahan

This page contains several recordings with commentary, including some of PCS DOS games.