Works in progress
This page contains a list of games that have been submitted for inclusion in the archive, but are not yet posted.
It may also contain major planned works, such as large page updates or site additions, as well as games we are searching for.
Please note that this list may be somewhat out of date.
It is updated irregularly, and therefore is not guaranteed to match the actual content of the archive.
Projects in progress
- Addition of tags to developer pages where recordings have been made of their games.
- Addition of descriptions to games (contact us if you're interested in writing some).
Other content
This section contains various games or other specific items that we are currently searching for. If you have a copy of any of these, please get in touch.
We are currently looking for the following content.
- An updated SAPI 5 version of Blind Man's Bluff
- Betas 5 and 10 of Mysteries of the Ancients
- The Mac OS version of Extant
- Additional experimental audio games.
- The Dutch version of Drive
- Additional PAC Mate games and programs by BrailleSoft. Crazy Eights, Phone Conversion Utility, The Clock, etc, as well as any games and programs for the Hims Braille Sense, APH BraillePlus, LevelStar Icon, and other notetakers