Games by Quentin C

In addition to the renowned Playroom, Quentin C also created a selection of other, mostly single player, titles throughout the late 2000s into 2011.
These games are all abandoned and unsupported, but most should run on modern windows systems.

A couple of these titles have both French and English versions.
In these cases, the English version is listed first, with French directly below it.


This was Quentin's first release, launched in 2007.


This game was inspired by an Atari title called Lemmings.

Greenies, French version

Magic Blocks

This game was inspired and plays similar to tetras.
According to the developer, it no longer functions under a windows 10 environment.


This game is similar to Magic Blocks, but with features and no multiplayer support.
Unlike Magic Blocks, it should still run under windows 10.
The game is also translatable to other languages. If you create or have any language packs for it, please let us know, and we'd be glad to include them along with the game itself.

Score, French version